Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Growing Up Soooo Fast

Yesterday baby Cole was 8 months old, 19 days until my other baby will be 3, and a few months away before Caroline hits double digits!!! I know a few of you who read this only want to see pictures so here we go. These first few were from yesterday morning and the rest are just random pics from the past month. I have some more events from the past month that I will try to post soon.

Christopher in his Superman PJs

Sissy and Cole
The boys at bedtime

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First day of "school"

Today was the first day of "school" for the boys. It is a Mother's Day Out(MDO) program at a church in our neighborhood and they go Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-2. Christopher went this summer for the 6 weeks and enjoyed it, but cried just about everyday when I dropped him off. Cole is in the baby room and Christopher is in the oldest room since he missed the cut off for 3 yr old preschool. He was very excited this morning and said he wasn't going to cry because he didn't want to sit in the "sad" chair. Christopher went with me to bring Cole to his room and he started getting a little sad, but we then brought him to his room and he went right in and started playing with some trucks. I told him bye and he didn't even look up at me, so I think he will be just fine. I had all intentions of taking pictures of Cole at school, but left my camera at home. I will try and get some pics when I pick him up. As for me I am going to an adult only lunch today, I don't think I will know what to do with myself.

He didn't want his picture taken.. shocking!
He finally caved in and let me take one

Yesterday Cole was 7 months old, only 5 more months until my baby turns 1. These were pictures taken last night during bath time. We don't go back to the Dr until 9 months, but we did go last week because Cole hasn't been feeling well. He still weighs 17 lb 14 oz so it seems that he will be the total opposite of big brother...tall and skinny.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Last night we were able to watch the Gators on TV! I got the boys dressed in Gator gear and got Christopher all pumped up for the game. When the team was running out on the field Christopher was doing the Gator Chomp, it was toooo cute. I didn't have my camera next to me at the time so I couldn't capture the moment, but I will not let that happen again!! At half time I was looking online for some new Gator gear for the boys and Christopher was in my lap. Of course Christopher wanted everything he saw, but he saw a Gator "Mack" die cast truck and wants one for his birthday. In fact the first thing he said when he woke up this morning was, "Mama will you go buy me a Gator Mack today?" To explain "Mack"... Christopher's favorite movie right now is Cars and there is an 18 wheeler named "Mack" that hauls Lightning McQueen. Here are pictures of my precious Gators

A Day on the Lake

Last weekend even though Gustav was in the Gulf we headed down south for a weekend with Caroline. The weather was absolutely gorgeous that Saturday and we spent the afternoon on the lake. It was the kids first time on a boat and Christopher surprised me and loved it! Below are some of the pics from the day and as you can see me child who spent the majority of the summer afraid of the pool got in the lake.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally some beach pictures

The boys are napping and I finally had a moment where I could go through all the beach pictures and post some of my favorites. I uploaded a few more on our multiply site.

The kids

Cole getting splashed by the waves

Christopher has never just fallen asleep but he was obvioulsy extremely pooped out

Could he be any cuter ????

I know I am his Mama but seriously he is so freakin cute!!!

My little pirate

The 2 cutest boys ever and the proud Mama

Nap time on the beach

Playing in the sand

Love him!!!

Cole's first sandy feet

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

6 month Dr Appt

We just got home from Cole's 6 month check up and he had to get 3 shots... poor baby!! He has gained a pound and grew 2 inches in the last 2 months. He currently weighs 17lb and 14 oz (down to the 50th percentile) and is 28 inches long(still between the 75-90th percentile). Christopher was over 20 lbs at 6 months, and come to think of it Cole doesn't even weigh as much as Christopher did at 4 months yet.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cole is 6 months old!!!

It's been a month since my last post but what a busy month it was!! My baby is half way to a year today, wow how time really does fly. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past month of sweet baby Cole.

Counting down the days till he watches the Gators for the 1st time

His first Cubs hat

One day this past week I brought Cole into the room to lay down with Christopher before naptime. Christopher actually told me that Cole could lay in his spot on the coveted Mickey pillow. I quickly grabbed the camera and took some pictures. I even caught Christopher holding his little brother's hand, he really does love him.

When the boys woke up from nap Christopher told me that Cole wanted to sit with him in the chair. He then told me to go get my camera and take a picture, how cute is that?

We go to the Dr. next week for his 6 month check up and will post his stats then. I also plan on going through the 100's of pictures I took while we were at the beach last week and get them posted as well.